Sweet Potato Skillet Hash



My simple sweet potato hash recipe adds harissa for a delicious aromatic flavour. And I just can’t get enough of it!

When it comes to condiments harissa is up there as one of my favourites – I’ve always got a jar in my fridge. Harissa adds colour and life to this filling dish of goodness and ensures it is totally Insta-worthy too

Centred with dreamy golden yolks, this Sweet Potato Skillet Hash is perfect as a light side at a BBQ. Or even a quick-fix brunch. I know what you’re thinking – “This woman is egg-mad!” But honestly, eggs compliment so much and are a protein packed ingredient that leave you feeling all glowy.

Add a dollop of natural yoghurt and coriander to finish and you’re ready to go!

The Recipe


1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp harissa paste

1 tsp ground cumin

½ tsp turmeric

1 tsp garam masala

1 tsp ground chilli

½ tsp sea salt

2 onions, sliced

3 large sweet potatoes, cubed

200ml water

4 free range eggs

chopped coriander and yogurt, to serve


Heat the oil and spices for a few seconds then add the onion and cook for 5 minutes until the onion is soft.

Add the sweet potato and cook for 10 minutes then pour over the water and cook for 10 minutes more.

Pop 4 holes in your mixture and crack in the eggs, then and cook for another 8 mins until the egg whites are cooked through. Serve with a dollop of yogurt, scatter fresh herbs on top, and dig in!


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